Flyguy wrote:
I'm just wondering if anyone has ever added a Wedge to an A22, and whether it's worth it. What kind of a gain will it bring, and at what price? I'm also thinking about getting carpet. Will the factory send one out or does it have to be odered when the boat is new?
I tried to order a stripper boat, but I ended up getting everything that required significant drilling into hte fiberglass. That would include the wedge. As my boat order ended up getting messsed up, and was built with zero options, it had to go back (luckily for me, I'm 20 minutes from the plant). I talked to Matt Bishop during this time, who somewhat oversaw the rework, and the hull is the same.
The big reason, if you want the wedge, to do it from the factory is that you'll be guaranteed it will fit properly, as it will be installed using the proper template. As for the functionality of the wedge, I grew up water skiing, and had been on a wakeboard once before I bought my boat. So from that perspective, the wedge was nice in that I could drop it and learn how to do some stuff wiht a small wake, and I dind't have to worry about filling and not filling the balast. Which was nice because my young kids were learning to ski. As for experienced riders and the wedge, I defer to the opinions already expressed.
As for the carpet and all of the other little things (decking lights, transom lights, cleats), it was actually a bit cheaper to just order them with the boat than to buy them later/aftermarket and put them on myself. But that stuff would be pretty easy to do. If you are trying to keep the cost down, it isn't a bad way to go. I have since added a ChillAx seat, just got a whole bunch of stereo equipment (came wihtout anything), and am looking at racks right now. But I did get the carpet new, as I figured it would be easier to have it there and not worry about little kids slipping due to wet feet.