2016A22inCO wrote:
Thanks for the response guys. I will certainly be discussing with the dealer and assume they will do all that they can for me as they have been great to work with thus far. I also understand that I am not a pro wakeboarder and probably don't even need the wake I am searching for with full ballast to have a great time. But at the same time it sure would be nice to have access too if I ever do. Not to mention I have friends that are much better and could use it to its fullest (pun intended)
I guess I just kinda feel like the guy that bought the Ferrari with the expectation of a 200mph car and and now being told I can't use 6th gear. Some may say heck how often will the car be in 6th just enjoy 1-5. And they may be right but that doesn't make the issue better or easier to stomach as things fell short of expectation.
I frequently ride with a buddy that has a 4yr old tige and I just hate that my brand spanking new $70k investment can't do what his can. That stings a bit if I truly am SOL in this issue.
Not at all trying to bash anyone - I truly do love this boat and really really hope I can find some sort of resolution. That was the intent of my OP was to see if possibly I was missing something.
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I feel for ya and hear what you're saying.
Do you have any plans to travel to lower elevations on vacations with the boat? (Would be a great test for you)
If the boat is within reason to get some measurements...go measure how much room you have between the top of the prop and the bottom of the hull. If you have 1.25" (preferably 1.5") or more...you could try a 16" diameter prop. (Not sure what pitch to recommend...I'll leave that for the prop makers to tell you). You want at the very minimum .75" clearance between the top of the prop and the hull...for prop wash and to keep from burning the gel coat there. So .75" + .50" radius (1" diameter) = 1.25" bare minimum for a 16" prop.
There are also some 15x11 props on Acme's website. This may be an option to try as well. You'll sacrifice top end speed, but have some more low end to possibly help you plane and pick up some MPH's for surfing.
(Edit to add)
Extremely stupid question...but I gotta ask: Are you 100% sure you didn't have the cruise set at 10.7 when you were surfing fully loaded? How did you try to your test? We'll step back to the most basic questions.