Keithhawkins wrote:
I'm sure this is a simple thing.....had additional rear ballast bags added to the rear. First time trying it this past weekend, they only seemed to fill up about a quarter of the way and then the water started running out the side. Same as it always did before when the rear factory ballast tanks were full. I noticed an air vent on the top but didn't want to mess anything up and just left it. Since then as a result of this forum, I understand I need to burp the bags. But still curious even how the system works? Do the factory ballast fill first and then to the bag? Or does water go through the sacks and then to the factory ballast? My dealer did the install so I'm assuming it's been done right and that I'm more than likely doing something wrong. Any help much appreciated?? Thanks all.
The hard tank fills first then starts pushing up in to the sack, the water you see coming out the side is probably the hard tank overflowing a bit as the bag gets fuller. I would add vent lines off your bags also so you don't have to manually do it every time. You can do this by either taping into the 3/4 overflow off the hard tank or tap into the drain line off the hard tanks.
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