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 Post subject: Water Impeller Replacement
PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:25 pm 
Axis Owner
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So, what is the easiest way to swap the impeller out?
It looks like it is hard to get to with the fiberglass exhaust manifold tube in the way? Do you have to pull that out to get access to the front of the impeller housing? Or is there a simpler way to access/swap the impeller out? Do I have to unblot the pump from the crankshaft? I was thinking this might be the way so you can just do it on a bench or something?

Anyone do theirs yet, that might know the best way to get access to the darn thing?

I have a impeller puller and OEM replacement impeller, was going to swap it out when I winterized today, but man, I can't seem to get to it as is?

Mine is 2 years old, so I figured it was time to swap it out. Thanks in advance.

2010 Axis A22

 Post subject: Re: Water Impeller Replacement
PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:38 am 
Team Axis
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I got you covered right here
Don't forget the thin gasket on the housing cover, and don't turn the crankshaft after you pull out the third Allen bolt, those three also align the crank pulley bolt holes and it may move if disturbed, no big deal if it does though just takes 10-15 minutes to get everything straight again.

 Post subject: Re: Water Impeller Replacement
PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:10 pm 
Axis Owner
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kool, thanx Walter...
I definitely was thinking the whole pump should come off to replace the impeller, but the darn manual does not cover the procedure? Strange for such an important part! I bought the entire kit, it comes with OEM impeller, gasket, new screws and a puller tool. Just wasn't sure how to get the sucker off?

So, I remove both water hoses from pump, the 1/2" bolt on the bracket and then the 3 Allen bolts from crank, it should then come out? (not disturbing the alignment of crank holes) I spose I will have to loosen the belt also...

Since I have it already tucked away in garage for winter, I will replace it first thing in spring before first run.

Thanx again!

2010 Axis A22

 Post subject: Re: Water Impeller Replacement
PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:22 pm 
Team Axis
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You don't need to disturb the belt, there is a bolt in the center of the pulley holding it and the harmonic balancer to the crankshaft, just the Allen bolts, the one bolt on the side bracket and the two hoses and it will slip right out under the muffler, pretty easy do do yourself, you may need to rotate the engine over a half turn or more to get to all three allen bolts but that's not a big deal, I just used my 1/2 wrench on a water pump pulley bolt and grabbed the belt and pretty much turned it by hand

 Post subject: Re: Water Impeller Replacement
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:12 pm 
Team Axis

Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:57 am
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Just replaced my impeller. Wasn't as easy as I thought, but I could definately do the next one alot quicker. I went ahead and removed the pump. It seemed to be the best way. After 120 hours it still looked pretty good, but I'm sure it could be worse than it looks.

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